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"HUMAiN" is a solo performance about the human condition 




Fluidly, the story weaves its thread through the genres of

theatre, lecture, dance, preach, music and poetry,

on a journey right into the human abyss - the hero's inner landscape.

In a time of distractions, comparisons and the general tendency

to focus on the external, it invites us to turn our focus inwards,

to explore the body, the thoughts, the feelings, the connection to oneself and to others.


The spectator travels with the hero from the usual perspective of the observer, but becomes part of the action himself at certain moments that are particularly deditacted to introspection .

On the border between the conscious and the unconscious, this piece speaks about collective laws and individual difficulties, the beauty and the pain of life.


Idea/ Vision

After 10 years of supporting people in difficult life circumstances, I had enough "material" for a lecture, because I wanted to share my observation that, although we may be very different on the surface, we are all very similar on the inside and face more or less the same difficulties and problems.

However, it's not only the problems that unite us, but also their possible solutions.

Life is governed by laws that apply to all of us, rules which, if we follow them, enable us to move from the status of unconscious victim and observer to that of conscious creator of the reality of our lives.


I wondered if I could take a lecture out of its mental framework (like a powerpoint) and bring it on stage.

To embody the journey and offer my audience a pathway to a broader experience.


The performances are followed by weekend workshops that allow those who wish to deepen their experience, get to know themselves better and discover tools for manifesting the life they want.


Theatre, dance, music, lecture and introspection merge with encounter, visualization, meditation and healing into a unique creation.


The Story

The hero, a universal nobody, discovers that he is not a victim of external circumstances but possesses unimaginable powers to shape life according to his own desires.

The hero transforms - as a model for the audience - from an unconscious victim to the conscious creator of his life.



My vocation is to share the message, that as a human being, you are an inseparable part of a bigger whole and have unlimited resources and possibilities to shape your life according to your own desires.


I do it because I can imagine a lecture in this form.

Because I love the new

Because I love art

Because I love stage

And because I love human life.


Because in the age of Instagram and Facebook, direct interaction between actor and spectator for an hour in a theater offers a unique opportunity to offer a real journey, a real experience.

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HUMAiN is a solo project.

It was both written, directed and performed by me.

But it takes a lot more to bring a performance onto stage successfully - so my heartfelt thanks go to:

Richard Vera - Light creation

Thibaut Arragon - Voice God
Marlon - Voice Child

Enzo Fioretti - graphic designer ( IntuitLab Marseille )
Yves Gomez - godfather of the project

Théâtre Golovine, Avignon- first residency
Théâtre la Condition des Soies, Avignon -second residency
Théâtre la tache d'encre, Avignon - third residency, final creation, world premiere, Festival OFF 2024

And of course to my family, my friends and all those who believe in me and my project and support it in the most wonderful way.


Un manifique spectacle - riche, intense et profond qui donne envie d'aller aux ateliers.

Merci beaucoup!


Merci pour cette douceur apaisante



Merci pour cette nourriture de l'ame!


Mille fois mieux que des séances de Psy! Joué avec les mots et le corps avec une telle harmonie! Fantastique! Merci!


Mille fois merci pour ce texte d'une intensité hors du commun et pour son interprétation qui combine une extraordinaire varieté de formes d'art! Merci pour ce message de foi et d' espérance


Merci pour cette belle aventure tellement humaine, pour cette pièce boulversante


Eine wunderbare Idee Therapie und Kunst zu vereinen! Wir hatten viel Spaß und gehen inspiriert und voller Fragen positiv gestimmt und mutig nach Hause.

Anne & Thorsten

Merci pour ce moment de poésie, de grâce, de spiritualité dont je suis ressortie pas tout à fait la même, animée par des nouvelles envies et des nouveaux desirs.

Merci infiniment


Next performance

Already ended


A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has participated in the crowdfunding.
It is only through your support, your belief in me and my project and your open-heartedness that I am able to make this dream come true.

THANK YOU - your participation moves me

Residency with performance at the théâtre Golovine, Avignon as part of the  25. Printemps de Poètes

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